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envd CLI Reference

This is a reference for the CLI commands of envd.


The documentation is auto-generated from envd app, please do not edit it manually.


envd - Development environment for data science and AI/ML teams







--analytics-enabled: enable analytics

--debug: enable debug output in logs

--help, -h: show help



Bootstrap the envd installation

--buildkit, -b: Download the image and bootstrap buildkit

--dockerhub-mirror, -m="": DockerHub mirror to use

--registry, -r="": Specify the registry to pull the image from (default:

--registry-ca-keypair, --ca="": Specify the ca/key/cert file path for the private registry (format: 'ca=/etc/config/ca.pem,key=/etc/config/key.pem,cert=/etc/config/cert.pem')

--registry-config="": Path to a JSON file containing registry configuration. Cannot be used with 'registry' or 'registry-ca-keypair'

--ssh-keypair, -k="": Manually specify ssh key pair as publicKey,privateKey. envd will generate a keypair at /home/runner/.config/envd/ and /home/runner/.config/envd/id_rsa_envd if not specified

--use-http: Use HTTP instead of HTTPS for the registry

--with-autocomplete: Add envd auto-completions

run, c

Run the envd environment from the existing image

--cpus="": Request CPU resources (number of cores), such as 0.5, 1, 2

--detach: Detach from the container

--gpu="": Request GPU resources (number of gpus), such as 1, 2

--host="": Assign the host address for the environment SSH access server listening (default:

--image="": image name (default: PROJECT:dev)

--memory="": Request Memory, such as 512M, 2G

--name="": environment name

--path, -p="": Working directory path to be used as project root (default: .)

--shm-size="": Configure the shared memory size (megabyte) (default: 0)

--sync: Sync the local directory with the remote container

--timeout="": Timeout of container creation (default: 0s)

--volume, -v="": Mount host directory into container


Install shell completion scripts for envd

--no-install: Only output the completion script and don't install it

--shell, -s="": Shell type to install completion


Manage envd contexts


Create envd context

--builder="": Builder to use (docker-container, kube-pod, tcp, unix, moby-worker, nerdctl-container) (default: docker-container)

--builder-address="": Builder address (default: envd_buildkitd)

--name="": Name of the context

--runner="": Runner to use(docker, envd-server) (default: docker)

--runner-address="": Runner address

--use: Use the context


List envd contexts

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)


Remove envd context

--name="": Name of the context


Use the specified envd context

--name="": Name of the context

build, b

Build the envd environment

--export-cache, --ec="": Export the cache (e.g. type=registry,ref=<image>)

--force: Force rebuild the image

--from, -f="": Function to execute, format file:func (default: build.envd:build)

--import-cache, --ic="": Import the cache (e.g. type=registry,ref=<image>)

--output, -o="": Output destination (e.g. type=tar,dest=path,push=true)

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: .)

--platform="": Specify the target platforms for the build output (for example, "windows/amd64" or "linux/amd64,darwin/arm64"). Build images with same tags could cause image overwriting, platform suffixes will be added to differentiate the images. (default: linux/amd64)

--tag, -t="": Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format (default: PROJECT:dev)

--use-proxy, --proxy: Use HTTPS_PROXY/HTTP_PROXY/NO_PROXY in the build process

destroy, down, d

Destroy the envd environment

--name, -n="": Name of the environment or container ID

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: current directory)

envs, env, e

Manage envd environments

describe, d

Show details about environments, including dependencies and port binding

--env, -e="": Specify the envd environment to use (default: envd-docs)

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)

list, ls, l

List envd environments

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)

images, image

Manage envd images

describe, d

Show details about image, including dependencies

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)

--image, -i="": Specify the image to use

list, ls, l

List envd images

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)


Remove unused images

remove, r, rm

Remove an envd image

--image, -i="": Specify the image name to be removed

--tag, -t="": Remove the image with a specific tag (default: dev)

init, i

Automatically generate the build.envd

--force, -f: overwrite the build.envd if existed

--lang, -l="": language usage. Support Python, R, Julia

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: .)


Login to the envd server defined in the current context

--password, -p="": password

--username, -u="": the login name in envd server

pause, p

Pause the envd environment

--env, -e="": Environment name


Clean up the build cache

--all: Include internal caches (oh-my-zsh, vscode extensions and other envd caches)

--keep-duration="": Keep data newer than this limit (default: 0s)

--keep-storage="": Keep data below this limit (in MB) (default: 0)

--verbose: Verbose output


Spawns a command installed into the environment.

--command, -c="": Command defined in build.envd to execute

--from, -f="": Function to execute, format file:func (default: build.envd:build)

--name, -n="": Name of the environment

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: .)

--raw, -r="": Raw command to execute

resume, r

Resume the envd environment

--env, -e="": Environment name

up, u

Build and run the envd environment

--cpu-set="": Limit the specific CPUs or cores the environment can use, such as 0-3, 1,3

--cpus="": Request CPU resources (number of cores), such as 0.5, 1, 2

--detach: Detach from the container

--export-cache, --ec="": Export the cache (e.g. type=registry,ref=<image>)

--force: Force rebuild and run the container although the previous container is running

--from, -f="": Function to execute, format file:func (default: build.envd:build)

--gpu-set="": GPU devices used in this environment, such as all, '"device=1,3"', count=2(all to pass all GPUs). This will override the --gpus

--gpus="": Number of GPUs used in this environment, this will override the config.gpu() (default: 0)

--host="": Assign the host address for the environment SSH access server listening (default:

--import-cache, --ic="": Import the cache (e.g. type=registry,ref=<image>)

--memory="": Request Memory, such as 512Mb, 2Gb

--name="": environment name

--no-gpu: Launch the CPU container even if it's a GPU image

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: .)

--platform="": Specify the target platform for the build output, (for example, windows/amd64, linux/amd64, or darwin/arm64) (default: linux/amd64)

--shm-size="": Configure the shared memory size (megabyte) (default: 0)

--tag, -t="": Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format (default: PROJECT:dev)

--timeout="": Timeout of container creation (default: 0s)

--use-proxy, --proxy: Use HTTPS_PROXY/HTTP_PROXY/NO_PROXY in the build process

--volume, -v="": Mount host directory into container

debug, b

Debug commands

llb, b

dump buildkit LLB in human-readable format.

--dot: Output dot format

--from, -f="": Function to execute, format file:func (default: build.envd:build)

--path, -p="": Path to the directory containing the build.envd (default: .)

version, v

Print envd version information

--detail, -d: Print details about the envd environment

--format, -f="": Format of output, could be "json" or "table" (default: table)

--short, -s: Only print the version number


Show statistics about the containers managed by the environment.


Print envd reference documentation

--help, -h: show help

--output="": Output file, if not specified, print to stderr

help, h

Shows a list of commands or help for one command

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